NCCAFV's Community Volunteer Councils on Child Abuse and Family Violence
We encourage you to become involved personally in helping to prevent family violence -- child abuse, spouse and partner abuse, and elder abuse -- in your community by helping to form a National Council affiliate.
Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Involve me and I will understand.
on Child Abuse & Family Violence
A Service Affiliate of the
National Council on Child Abuse & Family Violence
A Community Volunteer Council (CVC) is a committee of local citizens who volunteer their time to organize, lead and serve the emergency or unmet needs of victims of child abuse, spouse abuse and elder abuse in the community.
The National Council corporation (NCCAFV) is the legal entity for the CVC whose function is to advise and assist NCCAFV. The CVC is responsible to NCCAFV and are not separate legal entities with independent executive or administrative authority.
That said, NCCAFV believes that problems should be solved at the source where possible. It is for this reason that CVCs operate most effectively in community, even neighborhood, settings. CVCs learn by doing, and soon develop a competence of their own in working out local problems and developing local solutions with NCCAFV guidance and technical assistance.
CVC members are community leaders who may represent business and labor, government and volunteer agencies, education, medicine and social services, law enforcement, public safety and the clergy. Retired professionals from the fields of education, medicine, nursing, clergy, social services and law enforcement are especially valuable and trainable recruits for active involvement. Community size, needs and level of activity are factors to be considered in determining the size of the committee.
The CVC's activities, the public will gain a better understanding of child abuse and family violence incidents and issues within the community served. This will encourage assistance in securing funds essential to the effective operation of the programs the CVC develops.
Each CVC meets regularly (at least quarterly) and elects officers to lead.
CVC activities might include the following:
Form an CVC Advisory group composed of community leaders including the Mayor's Office, Chief of Police, Superintendent of Schools, head of Ministerial Association, elected leaders of Civic and Business Groups (including women's organizations), local media personalities.
Compile a reference catalog of available services and program in the area. Establish a community referral service number.
Complete a community intervention/prevention needs assessment with technical assistance from NCCAFV.
Organize a network of volunteers to possibly provide.
A telephone tree to monitor and follow-up on families of/with known victims.
Transportation for victims to services available.
Information/materials to schools, churches, civic groups, emergency rooms/hospitals, pediatricians, senior citizens groups, shelters.
Speakers on child abuse, spouse abuse and elder abuse for schools, civic, church and senior groups -- with audio-visuals from NCCAFV.
Plan fund-raising and community support activities with NCCAFV assistance.
To volunteer, send an email NOW to: nccafv@aol.com